Whether you are the driver, passenger, pedestrian or cyclist involved in a road traffic accident, it can be a very traumatic experience for you.
You may be entitled to compensation if the accident was not your fault. Even if you are unsure as to who was responsible for the accident it is worth talking to a solicitor to see if you are entitled to compensation. Your claim for compensation for your injuries will not only include compensation for the injuries you sustained but also includes any additional expenses which you incurred as a result of the accident such as loss of wages, medical expenses bills, consultant bills, bills for MRI scans and physiotherapy bills.
Road traffic accidents happen in numerous different ways. If you have been rear-ended then it is highly likely that the person who rear-ended you was responsible for the accident. This can happen on the road or at a roundabout. Furthermore, not only are you entitled to compensation for injuries you sustained but any of the passengers in the car with you are also entitled to claim compensation for the injuries that they have sustained.
In some cases, it may be difficult to prove liability in an accident or to ascertain who actually caused the accident for example when two vehicles collide with each other it can be difficult to prove who is actually liable for that accident. In situations like this it is extremely important to obtain information from the Gardai who may have taken statements at the accident scene.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident your most important priority is that you get medical attention. You then need to report the accident to your insurance company. They will require details as to how the accident happened and details of the name and the insurance details of the other cars involved in the accident with you. All car accident claims in the Republic of Ireland must go through PIAB which is the Personal Injury Assessment Board https://www.piab.ie/eng/. Your solicitor can advise you as to how to take that claim.
If you have any questions our specialized Personal Injury Claims team is here to help.
You can contact McCormack Solicitors on
Email: info@carolmccormacksolicitors.ie
Phone: 071 9621846
*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.
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