Medical Negliegence blog

Defect in Swine Flu Vaccination


The Hight Court accepted a settlement for a teenager who suffers sleep disturbances and loss of concentration after receiving a swine flu jab he received in 2010. In 2016 his condition was diagnosed as narcolepsy.

The boy, who sued through his mother, had excessive daytime sleeping and at night-time could wake up very disturbed. His teachers reported his lack of concentration and focus at school. After attending his GP in 2013 with complaints of tiredness and falling asleep easily he was assessed for his condition. He had the propensity to sleep easily in a car, at school and even at daytime sporting events.

The makers of the vaccine had been given an indemnity by the State concerning any adverse reactions to the vaccine.

The settlement was reached following mediation between the parties and its conclusion paves the way for similar cases arising from this vaccine.


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